VATSKA MEDTECH PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY, is an entity incorporated on 23 May 2014, under Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA).
Vatska Medtech Private Limited is Importer & Distributor of Organ preservation solutions, Silicon tubing set, Surgical retractors & cannulas, Heart lung machine, Drug Administration devices, Organ Transport box.
Read MoreOur advanced modern healthcare products assist medical experts to be more efficient and effective in treating their patients at Hospitals, Operation Theaters, Intensive Care Units, and Home as well.
Our technology is designed with one purpose: to extend lives by creating a faster, safer, and easier way to transport kidneys and livers. That’s more than a goal. It’s our way of life. It’s the key to everything we do. We’re dedicated to creating better outcomes for organ transplant recipients.
Maintaining organ viability during preservation is critical. Organ preservation solutions rapidly cool the organ, reducing cellular injury during cold ischemia and minimizing reperfusion injury.
The primary function of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is to divert blood away from the heart (both the right and left side and usually the lungs as well) and return it to the systemic arterial system, thus allowing cardiac surgery.